
The Content Byte Newsletter

Boost customer ❤️ with email marketing

Published 6 months ago • 3 min read

The Content Byte

Hey Reader,

I can’t believe we’re less than one week from Thanksgiving and six weeks until the new year!

You may feel like winding down, but Q4 is one of the busiest times for most businesses, and maintaining strong relationships is essential for the new year.

Today, I want to talk about something simple that is often overlooked by most businesses - effective email marketing.

Email marketing can help you not only gain new clients but it can help you build and strengthen connections with existing customers.

Email marketing has been around for decades (since 1978!) and is still one of the most effective forms of digital marketing.

Sending regular emails allows you to directly communicate with people through their inboxes, delivering personalized messages that can help drive sales, increase engagement, and build brand loyalty.

With more people than ever relying on technology and spending time on their devices, email marketing has become even more crucial for businesses to effectively reach their target audience.

But how can you use email marketing to build relationships with your customers?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Personalize, personalize, personalize: People on your list want to feel like they are being personally addressed and not just another subscriber. Use their names, segment email lists based on their interests or purchase history, and send tailored messages that will resonate with them.
  2. Engage them with valuable content: Your emails shouldn’t just be sales pitches. Provide your customers with valuable and relevant content that they can benefit from. This could be through tips, industry insights, or even exclusive offers.

    One of the reasons I started the Content Byte newsletter was to genuinely share the art of content marketing to help other entrepreneurs.

    I believe that by providing value, you show your customers (and potential customers) that you care about them, not just their wallets.
  3. Use visuals: It’s a proven fact that people are more likely to engage with visual content. Use images and videos in your emails to make them more visually appealing and to grab attention.

These tips will help you with email marketing in your business to help you build strong relationships with your list.

Remember, effective email marketing is not just about selling; it’s about building connections and nurturing them over time.


How to effectively use cold email as a beginner

In this video, I give some tips on using cold email to get new clients for your business. Cold emailing is different than nurturing a warm email list, but email marketing nonetheless. Stay tuned to the end, where I drop a bonus tip to engage people on your email list.


A sneak peek of my
week in review:

New video:

Shareable stuff:

Article: The first email message: 52 Years of email

Video: 3rd of May, 1978:The World’s first ‘spam’ email

Tools I'm using and loving right now:

Ultimate 50k ChatGPT Business Bundle Prompts: This bundle is designed to revolutionize how you handle every aspect of your business. With a whopping 50,000 ChatGPT business prompts at your disposal, you'll have the ultimate tool to enhance your productivity, creativity, and decision-making.

I’ve been loving the detailed “act as prompts.” Here’s an example of a prompt we could all use as CEOs of our businesses:

"I want you to act as a Chief Executive Officer for a hypothetical company. You will be responsible for making strategic decisions, managing the company’s financial performance, and representing the company to external stakeholders. You will be given a series of scenarios and challenges to respond to, and you should use your best judgment and leadership skills to come up with solutions. Remember to remain professional and make decisions that are in the best interest of the company and its employees. Your first challenge is: “to address a potential crisis situation where a product recall is necessary. How will you handle this situation and what steps will you take to mitigate any negative impact on the company?”

If you want prompts like this for your business, grab the bundle here for $20.

Here are a few ways you can work with me so I can help you amplify your content marketing efforts:

Fractional Content Marketing

Hire me as a fractional content marketing manager for your startup. Click here to learn more and schedule a call.

Amplify Your Brand

My signature course will help you write your signature book and market your business on YouTube to generate traffic and drive warm leads 24/7.

Nachole is a content strategist who uniquely blends clinical insight with digital marketing expertise, owing to her extensive background as a nurse practitioner.

💡Marketing tip of the week:

Use targeted content in your email marketing.

P.O. Box 19275, Sugar Land , Texas 77478
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The Content Byte Newsletter

Nachole Johnson

Let me show you how to grow your business through content marketing with weekly tips, tools & strategies. 👇🏽 Hire me as a fractional content marketing manager for your startup

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